Looking Up, Lying Flat On Their Back But Looking Up!

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Looking Up

Let’s take a moment to talk about pressure
and stress for a bit. My life has been
quite a challenge for a good number of
years. Thinking back, the downward spiral
of stress started when I got divorced,
lost my business, was booted out of radio
which is my first love. That was closely
followed by my losing my car, insurance
policies, medical aid, etc.

I ended up back in Johannesburg, quite
literally with some clothes and my two
dogs, things were bleak. I don’t come from
a well off family and amongst all of the
negative programming I had installed from
my family, there were a few good programs.
One of those was my mom saying to me “ If
you get knocked down, get back up dust
yourself and start again “.

So the getting back up and dusting myself
off started again. I am not going to go
into all of the grisly details here
suffice it to say for the last 10 plus
years life has been a rollercoaster with
more ups than downs. Like most people I
had good days but the bad days far
outweighed the good.

I have never really been a fan of running
to the doctor and getting medication of
any sort if I can possibly help it. So
recognizing I had a problem I turned to
the interwebs to see if there were any
solutions. And man were there, snake oil
salesmen by the hundreds leaped from the
pages at me.

There was just so much information that I
felt overwhelmed, but my life was in a
downward spiral and I needed to do
something. So I dived in and began
researching ways to improve my life. I
have always had a fascination with the
power of the mind and how “your thoughts
are things”. So I was looking for
something to help harness the drunken,
crack monkey my brain had become.

Most of the research said I should start
meditating, meditating me? I just
explained what my brain was like and the
concept of stilling my mind horrified me.
More research followed and whilst I would
love to say I came across my discovery one
dark and stormy night. It was more like at
09:00 on a random Tuesday morning. But I
had finally stumbled onto something called
brainwave entrainment. Now this I thought
is something I could do, I mean listening
to some music and tones for half an hour
or so didn’t seem too difficult.

More research and a few really bad
purchase decisions I finally came upon
something that worked. Its called ZEN12,
my fingers trembled as I hit the buy
button, maybe this time something would

Well let me tell you it did work, it
worked in ways I had never dreamed of, it
became part of my daily routine, and slowly
but surely I was able to reign in the
drunken monkey that was my brain. And it
was so easy the days and months slipped
past and all of the subtle changes began
to compound. I was feeling, happier,
calmer, more focused. I was starting to
enjoy life again.

So I got onto the interwebs once again and
asked the guys over at ZEN12 if they
couldn’t give me something to share with
other people alongside my story. They
did and here it is, click here and receive
your free gift.

Until next time keep on keeping on,


Oh and before I forget here’s a little
something that will help you even more.


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