Destroy Limiting Beliefs And Claim Your Power

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Destroy Limiting Beliefs And Claim Your Power

Destroy Limiting Beliefs And Claim Your Power

Let’s talk a little about beliefs. More specifically, limiting beliefs, that voice in your mind that keeps telling you why you can’t do this or achieve that. For example,

For example,

Limiting beliefs have been some of the most destructive things in my life. For many years I was a slave to these beliefs, most of which I didn’t consciously choose. Things like money doesn’t grow on trees, and our family will always struggle. And my personal best is “You are stupid”, instead of examining these beliefs and making a decision as to whether they serve us or not.

We accept them as truth and let our lives be run by them, even though these beliefs may not bring us joy or happiness. We keep on running the same programs in our minds.

So how do we define, identify and change these mental representations? The first step was learning that we all have certain limiting beliefs. The second step was reading and researching to increase my knowledge. For others still, there may be a great coach or a friend that pushes us in the right direction. Either way, there are many different ways to approach this important matter.

Here are Ten Ways We Can Start Breaking Down these Limiting Beliefs

1. Keep a journal

One of the best ways to begin working on the beliefs that don’t serve you is to keep track of them. And journaling is a vital step.

Writing these beliefs down is essential because when you see them in writing, they become real, and they aren’t just thoughts in your head that you can ignore at will or try to forget. What’s more, when you write them down, you begin to question the validity of your thoughts and start seeing them for what they are: irrational and false.

There are a few different ways you can journal about your negative beliefs:

1. Keep a Belief Log

Write down every time you catch yourself thinking a negative thought about yourself. Include the date and time to track how often specific ideas occur. Also, include what triggered the thought. And how it made you feel (e.g., “I’m such an idiot! I should have known that would happen,” 2/15/21 at 4 p.m., feeling embarrassed after making a mistake at work).

2. Free Write

Set a timer for 10-15 minutes, and write nonstop about all the negative things you believe about yourself. Don’t worry about grammar or punctuation; get everything out of your head and onto the paper (or screen).

3. Dialogue with Your Negative Voice

It’s essential to be aware of the negative voice in your head and dialogue with it rather than letting it control you. This inner dialogue can help you to understand why you’re feeling negative emotions and can also help you to find ways to reframe your thinking. By engaging in this type of dialogue, you can learn to control your negative voice rather than letting it control you.

The beauty of this practice is that you can do it for yourself: You’re in charge of your life and get to solve your problems, no one else’s. I set some time aside and then write down the conversation I am having with that negative voice. See if you can identify patterns in that dialogue and notice any patterns that occur. It’s amazing how often what we tell ourselves repeatedly gets translated into our daily experiences.

2. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

We all make mistakes, and it’s important not to be too hard on yourself. Everyone is human, and we all have flaws. What’s important is that we learn from our mistakes and try to do better next time. So don’t be too hard on yourself; cut yourself some slack and learn from your mistakes. You may have recently told yourself that you aren’t worthy or not good enough or clever enough.

If our inner voice is only yelling at us that we’re not good enough, it’s not only unhelpful, but it will make us feel worse about ourselves. We need to learn how to listen to our inner voice. They are talking to us all the time. The problem is that we often don’t know how to listen. We can be so fixated on our problems and negative thoughts that we miss the positive messages from our inner voice.

Here are some tips for learning how to listen to your inner voice:

1) Pay attention to your emotions. 

Your emotions are like a barometer for your inner guidance system. If you’re feeling good, it’s a sign that you’re on the right track. If you’re feeling bad, it’s a sign that you need to make a change.

2) Listen to your intuition.

Intuition is that little voice inside you that knows things without knowing how you know them. When you have a gut feeling about something, trust it.

3) Follow your heart.

Your heart knows what’s best for you, even if your head doesn’t always agree. If something feels right, go for it.

So there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being hard on yourself – but remember to be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself like a friend and forgive your mistakes along the way. It’s ok to make a mistake. It’s ok to be wrong!

3. Do some work on your beliefs.

Once you start identifying these limiting beliefs, it’s time to work on them. You can motivate yourself using techniques such as visualisation, affirmations, etc. The opinions of others are none of your business. Work on one belief that you would like to change at a time.

Here are four ideas you should try.

1. Visualise yourself achieving your goals: 

Visualisation is vital; see yourself in your mind’s eye achieving the goals you want to achieve. How does it feel? What are you doing? Who is with you? Feel the emotion of success. Doing this regularly will help to change your perspective and increase your belief that you can achieve your goals.

2. Write down your affirmations:

Write down positive statements about yourself and what you want to achieve. For example, “I am confident and capable”, “I am worthy of success”, and “I can achieve anything I set my mind to”. Read them aloud to yourself daily, or even better, record them and listen to them regularly.

3. Take action:

Every action you take, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction. The more effort you take, the more confidence you will have in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals.

4. Surround yourself with supportive people:

Spend time with people who believe in you and your ability to achieve great things. These people will help to reinforce your own beliefs about yourself. The more specific you can be in figuring out precisely what holds you back from achieving your goals. The more clearly and beautifully you will see your path forward. Belief is a state, and when you change your state, you will be more creative.

4. Ask for help!

Sometimes we have all these great ideas and plans for improving our lives, but when it comes time to carry out those plans, we get stuck. We may procrastinate or get sidetracked by other things. We can’t bring ourselves to buy books, join that class, or change our diet.

So what do we do in this situation? Well, one way is to ask your friends and family for help! Asking for advice on what you can do to change your x, y, and z ways is often insightful. You’d be surprised at how much extra motivation and inspiration you’ll be able to get from someone else, especially if you’ve never tried some of these things before.

5. Start a new hobby!

There are many great ways to help improve your limiting beliefs. One of the best ways to improve your life is to try new things and explore different hobbies. Getting stuck in our routines or comfort zones can be easy, but expanding your horizons can lead to a more fulfilling and exciting life.

Trying new things can help you learn more about yourself, meet new people, and experience the world in new ways. So don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and explore something new today. Adding new things to your daily life will motivate and inspire you. Changing your behavioural patterns may entail experiencing some discomfort, but it can change the way you represent the world

6. Be Focused on the Now

The present moment is all we have, so we must focus on what we’re doing now and enjoy it. This is especially true when it comes to working on our limiting beliefs. If we stay focused on the task at hand and enjoy the process, we’ll be more likely to achieve our goals.

By changing your perspective and focusing on the benefits, you can get out there and do it with all of your heart.

It’s essential to take our time with every exciting opportunity and make sure we make time for ourselves in our busy lives! It can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget to make time for ourselves. Still, it’s important to remember that taking care of ourselves is just as important as taking care of everything else. We can ensure that we’re continually operating at our best by taking some time each day to relax and recharge.

7. Reflect on the past few days

Before you take on day-to-day tasks and goals, it’s good to stop and take some time to reflect. This will help you better understand what’s important to you and what you need to focus on. Taking a step back and reflecting can better align your actions with your goals, leading to greater success.

Look back at the last few days. What was your best moment? What did you learn? Did you feel under a lot of stress and pressure? Were there any outcomes (good or bad) that stood out to you? You can use this space to find out what’s working for you now or what’s holding you back, so make sure that you go back and look at everything that comes into your mind before moving forward.

8. Change how you see things.

One of the most significant ways we get stuck is by misunderstanding the situations in our lives. It’s easy to think that you’re not good enough or can’t do something because of some outside influence. But the truth is, we are so much bigger than these limiting beliefs.

We are capable of anything we set our minds to, and we have to believe in ourselves and have faith that we can do it. Change the way you see things by opening your eyes and understanding that it’s not actually “them” who are getting in the way, but your perception of things. Once you start seeing everyone else more positively, it’s a lot easier to deal with life!

9. Remember that change is inevitable.

The only thing we can rely on in this world is constant change. People come and go, seasons change, and days turn into nights. So while we can’t control changing some aspects of life, we can control how we feel about them. We can be positive and grateful for what we have or negative and resentful. It’s up to us. Life is constantly changing, but we don’t have to let that change our outlook on it.

Our emotions play a massive part in how everything turns out in our lives, so try to find ways to gain more self-confidence and take on positive actions when faced with changes or challenges. You can’t buy self-confidence; you have to earn it. Once you start taking action and doing more, you will begin feeling better about yourself and your ability to achieve whatever you want.

10. Releasing your limiting beliefs for good

You open yourself up to new possibilities when you release your limiting beliefs. You no longer believe that you are not good enough or that you cannot do something. This allows you to take risks and try new things, and it also allows you to see yourself in a new light. Your beliefs no longer limit you. Instead, you are free to be yourself and pursue your dreams.

To change your limiting beliefs, you must acknowledge and release them if they no longer serve you. So if you have an idea that holds you back, try your best to let it go. Even if you hate allowing a particular belief to go, it’s essential to realise that when you identify a negative thought in your life. It’s unnecessary for your survival, and you can live without it. You don’t need to dwell on negative thoughts or give them any power. Just let them go and focus on the positive.

It’s all about having the right attitude towards life and changing our limiting beliefs with just a few changes in our thoughts and habits. The more you stop these negative thoughts from taking over your mind, the better you will feel. Not only will you have more confidence in yourself, but you’ll also encourage others to believe in themselves!

“You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.” ~ Rabindranath Tagore

Until next time, keep on keeping on


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