We all know life happens, and if you are anything like me procrastination is your biggest enemy. So why is your mindset so important? Well without a compelling why you will never get to the how and this is where your mindset comes in. Not every day will be a great day where everything just flows and you love your life and what you are doing.
In fact, I am having one of those days today, all I want to do is crawl onto my bed and throw myself a pity party. However, I have a compelling WHY and hence I am writing this blog post as I know this is one of the small steps I need to take in order to reach my goals.
I have compiled the list below because these are some of the positive attitudes use on a daily basis to keep myself focused and on track.
Table of Contents
1. Using your mindset to build a compelling WHY
This is probably one of the most important mindset secrets. When you do this you are reminding yourself of your goals and how you are going to get there. If you need help getting started write out your WHY in your own words. Make sure that you write out at least 3–5 reasons. Your Why is the vision that will keep you focused and help you through those difficult times when nothing seems to be going right. This is incredibly important so make it fun and take some time to build up the most compelling version of your why as you can. Try to use all of your senses in the vision that you create, remember we are working on your mindset here
2. Use a pen and paper
When I write I find I write a lot better and I am more likely to be concise because I can just see the words in my head and write them down. I also feel like I can express myself more clearly.
When I use pen and paper I can spend some time and just sit back and think before writing. Which with the way my brain lurches around really helps me to focus. I have heard someone describe their daily writing ritual as the equivalent of taking an emotional dump. Not elegant but another one of my mindset secrets well worth looking into. So the first of my daily writing is normally used just to dump all of the information that’s running around inside my head. Then I start to look at what I want to accomplish in my day and what I NEED to accomplish in my day. This helps me to make sure I have the correct mindset for my day.
3. Developing An Attitude Of Gratitude is all about mindset
It is said that most people live the same miserable life over and over again because they always focus on what they don’t have, rather than what they do have. So if you are focused on the things you do not have like “more money” or “a nicer home”, it will be much harder to get to where you want to be. I try to be grateful for my life every day and keep a gratitude journal which helps me notice all the little things I am thankful for.
Not only will this help you to live a better life but it will also keep you focused on your goals. Your gratitude mindset will slowly help you to find more things to be grateful for. Take regular breaks and do something different all the while noticing those things you do have in your life. As I mentioned procrastination is my biggest enemy, so focusing on what I am grateful for and what I am working towards helps me to focus.
4. Exercise
I cannot stress the importance of exercise enough, now again if you are anything like me don’t set yourself up for failure by setting huge and unrealistic fitness goals. Start small and try and incorporate something you like into your exercise regime. I will be the first to admit that I am not a fan of exercising. I know I should probably use my own mindset secrets to change this.
As soon as I think about it my brain bombards me with images of sweaty people with bulging muscles and damaged muscles. I do however enjoy an early morning walk with my dogs and this also helps clear my mind. In short, it doesn’t matter where you start as long as you start and work at improving a little at a time.
5. Do something Different
Your brain is a complex machine and it likes to be stimulated, so by doing different things and engaging in different activities you stimulate your brain and give it food for creative thinking. How often do we feel we have to sit at our desks for 8 hours or more a day in order to feel we are adding value. In order to develop this mindset muscle, we need to give ourselves permission to have fun and do different things. Take a break from your work and daydream about your Why, your vision. Take an art class, get back into that hobby you used to enjoy as a kid. Variety is indeed the spice of life.
6. Set achievable goals
There is nothing worse than setting yourself a goal and not reaching it and then a few weeks later scratching your head asking yourself “what was I thinking when I said I was going to do this?” If this sounds familiar chances are your goal is far too ambitious and you will never achieve it.
So what you want to do is set goals that are achievable and are also realistic. You want to make sure you have a long-term strategy to reach your goal and you are willing to make sacrifices to get there. Identify your goals – use a journal or a book or an online tool. List your goals and how you are going to reach them. Maybe you want to lose weight, learn a new skill or maybe you want to write a book. Write down every single thing you will do towards achieving your goal. Remember even a 1% movement per day in the direction of achieving your goal compounds over the long term.
As we all know, motivation is an act of the will. You can never lose motivation, you can only surrender to it. Are you surrendering to your motivation, or are you still clinging to the old methods that are not motivating? If you would like to improve your motivation, you must make a list of WHY and your plan of action. Always remember that this is an act of the will. Start today and see where it takes you. Do you have any tips or mindset secrets that you use to get into the right mindset? Please share them with me in the comments below.
Until next time, keep on keeping on.
PS: Here is something that I have found really useful in maintaining a positive mindset
Agreed. Without the WHY nothing else matters.